
Joe Biden vs "Joe the Plumber"

OK....who can make sense out of all of this. In a comment to a previous post I visitor had said that she was unsure that "Joe the Plumber" even knew what the difference between "gross income" and "net income"

Is this what our society is coming to? This "Joe the Plumber"thing is turning into an attack on the blue collar Americans who make this country great. How fair is this?

On the flip side how fair is to assume that all of the "Joe the Plumbers" out there do not make good money? Is it me or is this going to spiral out of control. The question really is....are all of the Joe's out there better off today than they were?
Will all of the "Joe the Plumber" be better off in the future with Obama or McCain.

We keep hearing that Obama is better for Joe the Plumber? What is your opinion?

What are the real issues here?

Joe The Plumber- Video Remix

Joe The Plumber

"Hey Joe...your Rich"

Post your comments below. I am actually starting to feel bad for this guy!

Joe The Plumber

What are your thoughts on this guy????

I heard that he is not a licensed plumber. Also have you seen Barack Obama's Slam on Plumbers today?

He said "A Plumber...that's who John McCain is fighting for?...how many plumbers do you know that make a quater-million dollars a year?" I don't know about you but
I think that is a slam

Joe The Plumber

You Go Joe...Go!

Well "Joe the Plumber" has made News and will most certainly be able to make some cash to buy that new plumbing business. Good for you Joe!!!

By now Joe Wurzelbacher is probably being overwhelmed with phone calls, interviews and more. Before too long, Joe the Plumber will have his own Television series and cooking show...well maybe not the cooking show.

I wonder if Joe the Plumber had any idea of the media attention he would be receiving with all of this? I bet he does now! So lets help "Joe the Plumber" out...what should he be doing to make the most of this situation.

One suggestion is...start organizing an election campaign for 2012! You Go Joe!!!
Just be ready to give all of your money back to the government when you make it!

Joe The Plumber

Joe The Plumber

Who is Joe the Plumber

Joe Wurzelbacher, an Ohio man looking to buy a plumbing business, came to symbolize the notion of spreading the wealth in Wednesday night's third and final presidential debate between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain.

So what did Wurzelbacher (pronounced whur-zell-BAHK-er) think about becoming the center of the debate?

"It's pretty surreal, man, my name being mentioned in a presidential campaign," he said minutes after hearing McCain utter his name.

Wurzelbacher came up again when the debate turned to a discussion of health care policies. McCain charged that Obama's plan would fine the company Wurzelbacher wanted to buy; Obama said small businesses were exempt.

"Hey Joe, you're rich. Congratulations," McCain said mockingly.

Wurzelbacher said Obama's reaction left him feeling uneasy.

"I didn't think much of it the first time I heard it," Wurzelbacher said, adding that he still thinks Obama's plan would keep him from buying the business.

About McCain: "He's got it right as far as I go."

Even so, Wurzelbacher declined to say which candidate would get his vote on Nov. 4.

"That's for me and a button to know," he said.